Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

Agence Nationale de la Recherche: DETECT (ENS)

Participant : Josef Sivic.

The Detect project aims at providing new statistical approaches for detection problems in computer vision (in particular, detecting and recognizing human actions in videos) and bioinformatics (e.g., simultaneously segmenting CGH profiles). These problems are mainly of two different statistical nature: multiple change-point detection (i.e., partitioning a sequence of observations into homogeneous contiguous segments) and multiple tests (i.e., controlling a priori the number of false positives among a large number of tests run simultaneously).

This is a collaborative effort with A. Celisse (University Lille 1), T. Mary-Huard (AgroParisTech), E. Roquain and F. Villers (Univeristy Paris 6), in addition to S. Arlot and F. Bach from INRIA SIERRA team and J. Sivic from Willow.

S. Arlot (INRIA SIERRA) is the leader of this ANR “Young researchers” project.